Do you struggle with knowing what it means to become a woman of faith? These 5 steps will help bring some clarity to what it means to become such a woman.
Dear friend, if you are reading this now, I am sure there is a strong desire to build up great faith in yourself. But how do you do it? Becoming a woman of faith is used very frequently in Christian circles but what does it actually mean and how can we become one? It can seem like such an abstract thought but in this post, I will give you 5 ways that you can become a woman of faith.
This blog post is all about becoming a woman of faith.
How Can You Become a Woman of Faith?
What does it mean to be a woman of faith and a godly woman? As a Christian, faith means having trust in the God of the Bible. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
The Lord calls us to have faith in Him and to love Him. To many people, this seems complicated. You may think it is about the positive way you feel or how confident you are in certain situations. Or do you think it’s about being spiritual and including God in certain things and not having any thoughts of doubt? Or it’s about how much you go to church or how you used to go to church and know certain things about God.
Well, there is no need for confusion any longer! Thankfully, the Lord in his goodness has made it very clear in His Word. God has clearly stated what things you can do to become a woman of faith so that you no longer need to guess if you are one but can know confidently that you are a faithful woman in Christ.
1. Read the Bible
First, you need to read the Bible to become a woman of faith. This may sound very simple and something that may seem very obvious to you but let me explain further.
It is important to understand that for Christians, reading the Bible is not optional. Do not put Bible reading in the category of a “New Year’s resolution” or something you will try to do more this year. You need to look at it with the mindset that there is no option for you but to read it. That’s what Christians do!
The Lord has given us everything you need to know in the Scripture – so you must read it to know! When you know God and His will for your life then your faith and belief will grow! God also says that the Bible is food for our souls (Matthew 4:4). If you do not read, your soul will not eat. If you do not read often, your soul will not eat often. How will it grow if it does not eat? Is your soul being nourished often?
This is probably the #1 thing Christians have a hard time doing. Whenever I talk to someone who is struggling to trust God, I ask them how their Bible reading is going and 9/10 times they respond, “Not so well.” So how do you read the Bible well?
How to read the Bible
- Follow a plan. If you have a plan to follow you will always know what to read. You won’t have any excuses for not knowing what to read because it’s written out for you. Also, a plan usually takes you through the whole Bible or parts of the Bible you may not have read on your own. This is a good thing! You cannot get to know God fully if you only pick and choose parts of the Bible to read. You need to read the whole thing!
- Accept from the beginning that you will not follow your plan perfectly. If you miss a day, just continue reading the next day. If you miss several days (vacation, long work shifts, etc.) just keep reading when you’re back. Don’t let guilt keep you from continuing to read after a missed day, several days, or even weeks. Just keep reading.
- Have a Bible that you can take anywhere with you. Sometimes we have beautiful journaling Bibles that we feel require us to sit down at a coffee shop with highlighters and pens and are too nice to get thrown into our bag. Those Bibles have their place but have one that you don’t mind if it gets a little beat up and bruised. Get a Bible you can pick up and open anytime and anywhere (in the kitchen, in the car, at the office, etc.)
- Most importantly, read in faith. Know that you are not always going to get something out of the chapters that you are reading. That’s okay. It’s not required in order to have a good soul-growing time in the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as your read. Read in faith knowing that what you are reading is living and active and it is doing a work in your soul even when you do not sense it.
2. Pray
Make a habit of praying often (1 Thessalonians 5:17). When you pray, you are coming before God and remembering who you are and who He is. When you bring our requests to Him it is a reminder that He is God – all powerful and all mighty – and you are not. Just like it is helpful to follow a Bible reading plan, have a prayer plan. Make a list of things to pray for and rotate them on a daily basis. Keep a list of people you want to pray for. Make a list of your requests and the requests of those around you.
When you pray you learn to claim God’s promise, know His unconditional love more, and understand more deeply how blessed you truly are.
My husband and I like to use PrayerMate on our phones to keep note cards of things we want to pray for. This app is very helpful because it will populate a list for you each day so that you pray for something different every day. It allows you to customize your prayer list and keep track of things that have been answered.
When you have prayed, God floods you with peace and your fears fade. When you pray and see that God answers prayers, your own faith increases in ways you never imagined.
3. Be Part of A Community
Join a solid, biblically based church community if you are not already part of one. Surrounding yourself with others that have faith will make you into a woman of faith. I’m not just talking about going to church on Sundays, I’m talking about doing life with other Christian men and women around you (Acts 2:44).
Do you have a relationship with another woman that you can spend time with weekly and give you encouragement in Christ? Are there friends around you that you can get together with to talk about what you are learning in the Bible? Is there someone you can ask about things you don’t understand in the Bible? Do you have someone you can reach out to for Godly advice and prayer when you are going through a difficult time? If you don’t, seek a body of believers you can grow with. If you do, keep seeking to pursue and deepen those faith-building relationships!
4. Don’t Keep Sin Hidden
This is a big one. If you want to become a woman of faith you cannot keep sin hidden in the dark. The world will always pull you towards sin but you are called to live in the light. If you do, your faith will never grow – it will actually shrivel up.
The Bible says that sin separates us from God. Nobody is perfect on this side of heaven. The question is not “Will you sin?” but “When will you sin?” The key is what you do when you sin.
If you sin and do not come to Jesus Christ for forgiveness and turn away from the sin, you will weaken your faith because you are giving sin power over you. When you sin, confess it to God. Ask for His forgiveness once again (which He gives so generously and graciously) and make a decision, with the power of the Holy Spirit, to not continue in that sin any longer (1 John 1: 5-10). Tell someone close to you in your Christian community so they can keep you accountable. When you confess your sin and walk in the light your faith will grow exponentially!
5. Don’t Complicate God’s Will
Lastly, don’t complicate God’s will for your life if you want to be a woman of faith.
When you are faced with a decision, don’t wait and pray for God to write the answer in the sky or open the bible to a random page hoping everything will become clear.
Read God’s word, know the truth, and pray. Surround yourself with other women of faith, confess your sin, and make a decision trusting that God is guiding your course as you obey Him! God’s will is not as mysterious as you think. God is a loving and faithful father. You do not need to fear the future. If you are actively doing the things above, God will lead you and give you wisdom. Do not trust in your own understanding but in his Words. And when God’s will is clear to you and you are walking forward in it, you truly become a woman of extraordinary faith.
If you do these things, you are well on your way to becoming a woman of faith and experiencing more hope, joy, and Jesus than you ever have before.
This post was all about how to become strong women of faith.
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