Being a godly mother in an ungodly world is not easy. With so many narratives thrown at us, it’s difficult to discern just what a godly mom really looks like. What we are always begins with what we know and believe.
In this post, we will take a look at some characteristics of a godly mother and see the importance of this God-given task. As a mother, you are shaping the next generation of men and women for the kingdom of God – I don’t think I can think of anything more important and exciting than that!
This is not a job for the faint of heart, even though there will be many moments that you will feel faint. Christ Jesus is here to strengthen you, give you wisdom, and guide you every step of the way through His Holy Spirit. God loves women who surrender this area of their lives to Him and allow Him to work in and through them.
This post is all about how to be a good Christian mom.

How Can You Be A Good Christian Mom?
1. Understand the absolute importance of motherhood
The Cultures Influence on Motherhood
This culture has completely changed the way we see mothers and their roles. The feminist movement has clouded our vision of the importance of motherhood and has made it seem like a second-class option for women who just couldn’t make it in the “real world”.
For some women, motherhood happened to them when they were not looking for it. Other women seek to be mothers through sweat and tears. They go through fertility treatments and procedures so that they can finally be called “mom”.
Whether they wanted to become a mom or not, they are moms. Yet, most mothers today do not understand the value and utter importance of the role they have been given. Our culture undervalues motherhood and does not want it to get in the way of dreams, goals, and careers. Others see it as something fun to do, simply a next step in the journey of life where you now raise children and carry them around as cute personal accessories.
Neither of these views is Biblical or true. God created motherhood for a very important purpose and it should shape the way you view motherhood and the decisions you make as a godly mother.
The Christian View of Motherhood
C.S. Lewis said it best, “The homemaker’s job is one for which all others exist.” If mothers did not exist the world would fall apart. It is through mothers that God creates and grows human beings.
Mothers raise men and women to be good citizens in the world and keep it running. Every monumental figure in history had a mother. Men with the greatest influence in the world were greatly influenced by their mothers.
All mothers deeply influence their children in a positive or negative way. Those who underestimate their role as a mother make decisions that may not influence their children in the best way – but they are still an influence. Those that understand the gravity of their role take all measures possible to be the greatest influence they can be.
That is why it is extremely important to value your role as a mother the way God want’s you too. There is great gain in knowing the value and purpose of your role as a godly mother. A good understanding of the importance of motherhood gives you a solid foundation upon which you can make good decisions for your family and your children.
Here are some of my favorite quotes on the value of motherhood:
“You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, & training them up in God’s fear, & minding the house, & making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts.”
Charles Spurgeon
“Homemaking is surely in reality the most important job in the world. What do ships, railways, mines, cars, government, etc exist for, except that people may be fed, warmed and safe in their own homes? The homemaker’s job is one for which all others exist.”
C.S. Lewis
“To be a mother is by no means second-class. Men may have the authority in the home, but the women have the influence. The mother, more than the father, is the one who molds and shapes those little lives from day one.”
John MacArthur
The job of a mother is no small task in God’s sight, so do not let it be small in yours. A godly mother lives knowing that she is doing spiritual work when she is with her children just as much as when she is at church.
2. Understand God’s design for the motherhood journey
Another very important thing to understand is the design God created for motherhood. Moms are not to control their children’s lives, hover over them forever or seek fulfillment in them.
A godly mother is to raise children to be Christ followers. A good mother is a channel of God’s love to their children, trains them according to scripture, and prepares them to be completely independent adults who have faith in God.
A Godly mom is to be a reflection of God to her children
Throughout scripture, God describes himself as a parent to His people. He is our heavenly Father and we are his sons and daughters.
A very important role we have as parents is to be a reflection of God to our children. We are the first glimpse of God that our children experience.
When we hold our babies in our arms, all they know is our body and our smell. They recognize the taste of our milk and feel secure and loved in our presence. As they grow into childhood they see their parents as the authority in their lives. How that authority deals with them will shape the way they see the authority of God in their lives.
A godly mother prays that she would be an imitation of the love, grace, and authority of God to her children. She allows Jesus Christ to fill her with His spirit daily so that His life can overflow to her children.
As a godly mother, you are to reflect the attributes of God to your children such as kindness, patience, and unfailing love shown through training and discipline.
A godly mothers final goal must be a transfer of dependence
A child learns obedience to their parents as a preparation for his obeying God. A godly mother prepares her children to submit to other authorities including God’s word. A child is not to stay dependent on their mother long into adulthood but rather prepare their child to transfer that dependence on the Lord.
There are some mothers who do not understand this concept and desire to keep control over their children as long as they possibly can. Others on the other hand do not prepare their children by not teaching them how to obey and submit to authority.
A godly mother has the right balance of lovingly training her children to slowly transfer their source of authority from their mother and father to God. A wise mother trains her children to ultimately look to God and His word for direction and guidance so that when they are full-grown adults their lives are submitted to the Lord Jesus.
3. Grow and cultivate an unshakable trust in God
Motherhood can be scary. There are a myriad of problems and frightening “what if’s” that cross our minds every single day. If we do not have a deep-rooted trust and faith in God, fear and anxiety can quickly overtake us. And the problem with fear and anxiety is that it does not only affect us but also those around us – and especially our children.
A godly mother builds her trust upon the firm foundation of God’s Word. A godly mother fears nothing but God Himself.
This is something that can only be done with the help of the Holy Spirit! I struggle with fear and anxiety and I feel that it has only multiplied as a mother. The “what if’s” and fearful thoughts can get out of control in my mind at times and I constantly need to reel them back in and remind myself that God is in control of my life and my children’s lives.
This is so important because our children will be affected by our fear and doubt. Our lives must model what a godly woman looks like and the perfect peace that comes from God.
How can we cultivate this unshakable trust in God?
Read the Bible daily
In order to speak truth the truth to ourselves we must be in the Word. We must bring the truth of God’s word to our daily life. God gave us all the answers to our fears and anxiety and we must allow them to grow deep roots in our hearts.
Bring your fears and anxieties to God in prayer
Philippians 4:6 says, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” When you unload your fears and anxieties unto the Lord your faith suddenly increases because you have entrusted yourself to the one who holds all things in His hands.
Praying with your children and your husband is also a wonderful way to be an example of truly trusting God will all things.
Sing spiritual songs
The Bible commands us to sing and sing unto the Lord often! There is something about singing that does something to our soul. We should not only sing words with our mouths but with our hearts. This will in turn grow our faith and trust in the Lord.
We will face fear, doubt, and anxiety in motherhood. That is unavoidable. What we do with those feelings is most important.
Wrap Up
If you are a mother you are blessed. Motherhood was created by God and is God’s work. Christian moms above all need to pray hard!
Pray that God would give you a pure heart that is fully devoted to Him. Pray that He will give you a gentle and quiet spirit that surrenders all fears and anxieties at His feet. Pray that He will fill you with the knowledge of His will.
It is really in surrender that Christ Jesus will make you into a godly mother. Have Christ dwell and reign in your life and you will become the mother He wants you to be.
Always remember that He is not just part of your life but He is your life.
This post is all about how to be a good Christian mom.
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