Being a mom is hard. Raising successful human beings is not an easy task. Yet it is such an incredible blessing and privilege.
That is why moms need words of encouragement to keep going.
Moms give the purest love, they are the truest friend, and they give of themselves in ways that no one else does.
Do you find yourself needing some words of encouragement today? Are you a new mom who just started the journey? Or a seasoned mom whose kids are almost grown? Are you struggling with mom guilt or just exhausted?
Read on! These encouraging words will uplift you and refresh you on your motherhood journey.
This post is all about words of encouragement for moms.
Words of encouragement for mothers
1. Seasons are constantly changing
Even though it may not feel like it, especially in the beginning as a new mom, the seasons of motherhood are always changing. Sometimes it may feel like your baby will never sleep, or your house will always be chaotic. But the reality is that seasons change and they change quickly.
Instead of desperately waiting for a season to pass, embrace the little things that you will not get back from these says: a playful kick reminds you that you are making a little human in your belly, little children’s hands, the babbles, the words you can’t understand, the innocent and genuine laughs. Before you know it, they will all become fond memories and you will find yourself in a new season with different children around you.
2. Draw your strength from the One who never gets tired
Unfortunately, overwhelmed moms are everywhere. I am often one of them. There are so many things that need to get done, so many responsibilities and so many anxieties that we face every day. And the result is tired moms.
When you are tired, you can invest in self-care, get a massage or get away for a few hours. But that will not ultimately give you the strength and peace you are truly looking for.
A mother’s joy begins when she draws her strength from the God who never gets tired.
The most valuable parenting skill is to know how to depend on God for all the things you do not have. Run to Him for strength, wisdom, grace, patience, and joy. Draw from Him all the things you are lacking. The most successful mothers are those who lean on God. It is a life changer when you find your strength in God.
Psalm 28: 7-8 says, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him. The LORD is the strength of his people; he is the saving refuge of his anointed.”
May He be your strength and shield!
3. You will find joy when you embrace the limitations of every season
Being a mother means accepting the limitations that each season of motherhood brings. There are a million ways in which being a mom changes your life. You are not able to do the same things you used to do when you were single with little children. You are not able to go at the same pace or be out as long. You are not able to enjoy certain events or travel to places you would like to go.
These limitations can be hard to accept initially (especially for new moms). But when you embrace the limits the different seasons of motherhood bring, you will find the freedom you did not know was possible.
Accepting your limits frees you to enjoy the sweetness of the season. When you come to terms with your reality you are then able to see the joys and treasures right before you that you never knew existed.
4. Being a mom is the most important thing you could do in your life
In a culture that glorifies the American Dream, being a mother can feel like “second best” for many women. Many women struggle with feeling like they are not doing enough by just being mothers and raising children.
But the truth is that there is nothing more important than being a mother. Mothers are the greatest spiritual teachers and have the most significant influence on the next generation.
One of my favorite mom quotes is by Charles Spurgeon: “You are as much serving God in looking after your own children, and training them up in God’s fear, and minding the house, and making your household a church for God, as you would be if you had been called to lead an army to battle for the Lord of hosts.”
You are leaving your own mark on the next generation. You are raising responsible human beings. Being a mother is the biggest job you could ever have. It far outweighs any career imaginable.
Read more about the importance of motherhood here: 3 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW TO BE A GOOD CHRISTIAN MOM
5. Do not compare
Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy.” Do not compare yourself or your children to others. It will only steal your joy and rob your peace. It will take away from the beauty that is right in front of you. A mother’s happiness is essential for a joyful and loving home. Do not let comparison steal that from you.
Instead, look at the Lord and see what he wants for you. Look at your children and appreciate where they are now and celebrate the progress and victories they make at their own pace. Every mom and child is different. Your situation is different from that of another mom. God has called you to a unique family, unique children, and a unique husband. Don’t compare yourself to your friend whose situation is completely different. Instead, joyfully learn from each other and encourage one another.
6. You do not need to do this alone
You were not designed to be a mom alone. God created you to be in community and that includes your motherhood. If we had to do this alone we would go crazy. The human spirit is strengthened by others that walk alongside us on the journey. Yet a mom can go such a long time without feeling the support or encouragement of others.
Do you struggle with asking for help? Or inviting someone over? I know I do. But when I do it, the blessing I receive is so worth it. The house won’t ever be perfect. All your chores won’t be all done. And that’s okay. Ask someone to come over. Allow someone to give you uplifting words of encouragement. Let someone help you with the kids.
When you do you will be blessed beyond measure and find extra strength to keep going. You are not meant to do this alone but in the presence of loved ones.
7. Realistic expectations allow you to enjoy life more
The perfect mother does not exist. She never will. A mom is a normal human being with normal limitations. Yet somehow, we place expectations on ourselves that go above and beyond what we are capable of doing. We want to be a super mom but then, when we don’t meet our expectations, have a sudden fall in our ego and think we will never be able to do this.
So what should you do? Let go of unrealistic expectations. Understand that you are human. Go at the pace God has set for you. Enjoy your children. Don’t expect the bathrooms to be perfectly clean when you are a new mom. Don’t make a to-do list with 25 items when you can only complete 5. I am not saying to aim low and not have goals. I am saying to be realistic with your current season.
When you understand what you are capable of and accept it, there is such a special sweetness that enters your life. You are able to understand life in a different way.
Take a deep breath and decide forever that you will embrace the limits God has given you and enjoy all of the blessings he has placed before you. You won’t regret it!
Wrap Up
Gilda Radner said, “Motherhood is the biggest gamble in the world. It is the glorious life force. It’s huge and scary – It’s an act of infinite optimism.”
Motherhood is huge and scary. But it is also a powerful blessing and responsibility. It shows a women’s power and what they are capable of.
Inspirational quotes are one source of encouragement for mothers but words of encouragement from one mom to another surpass all the mom quotes. I hope that these words of encouragement have blessed you and you embrace your calling of motherhood more fully each day!
God has created a mother’s love to be powerful and impacting. You are doing amazing work in the lives of your children every day that you love and pour yourself into them.
“A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten, and the future worth living for.”
Mark Sloan
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